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28 March 2017
Bodybuilding.com でおなじみのクリスゲシンが自ら開発したケージドマッスルが入荷!トレーニング前、中、後のコンボで最短距離で筋肉増強を目指せ!
Kris Gethin's Kaged Muscle in Stock!
It’s time to turn up your workout intensity, increase performance, KRUSH overtraining syndrome, and supercharge your adrenaline. Discover the high-performance power of this revolutionary new formula from Kaged Muscle™ Supplements.
I never was one to follow a trend. Anything I do has to make logical sense. My mental circuitry is only wired and charged on results. When results lead to success, that’s the only lead I need to follow.
Around 7 years ago, when I personally began testing other brands for safety, purity, and performance, it quickly dawned on me that I would have to mix my own single fill ingredients in the doses I knew were effective to gain better performance and results that would only benefit to health. 7 years later, I am lucky enough to have patented and fully tested ingredients in one supplement to create the most unbelievable Pre-Workout that’s created some of my most unbelievable workouts.
After years of research and development, I am proud to share with you a “paradigm shift” in INTRA Workout science.
There was one GOAL that the Kaged Muscle R&D Team had when formulating IN-KAGED: To have the ULTIMATE Hydration and Endurance sports drink on the market.
INTRA Workout is one of the most critical, yet overlooked windows of opportunity to reload your anabolic fuel tank.
As you lift weights, the amount of amino acids metabolized increases to meet energy needs.
The harder you lift, the more you sweat out electrolytes and minerals that your body needs for muscular contraction and muscular growth. When magnesium levels are low during exercise, research has shown fatigue increases.*
As you train, your muscles build up waste products that can cause fatigue.*
During an intense workout or race you need to give it 100% in order to finish strong.
IN-KAGED was formulated to supply electrolytes and fight fatigue while enhancing mental clarity during training.
Think of your INTRA-Workout drink like a pit stop for a Formula 1® race car. Without stopping to refuel and add new tires the car would not finish the race.
The preparation, during and post-workout process is very similar to a Formula 1® race team preparing for a race.
Before the race starts the car is tuned/fueled and prepared for the track (similar to taking a PRE-Workout).
During the race the driver must stop for new tires and to refuel (INTRA- Workout FUEL).
After the race the car is rebuilt for the next race (POST-Workout FUEL).
If you want to GAIN THE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE, you need to prepare for your workouts like Kris Gethin and world class Formula 1® Teams.
Each serving contains over 14 g of premium ingredients that you will feel from the first dose!
After years of research and development, I am proud to share with you a major breakthrough in protein and post-workout science.
RE-KAGED is a game-changing anabolic protein that you can’t live without if you are serious about adding size and strength. Supercharge your muscles with our lightning FAST delivery of BCAAs, EAAs, CAAs, and NAAs from Non-GMO Whey Protein Isolate for maximum post- workout recovery.
Our bodies need all of the nine essential amino acids (EAAs) in order to build muscle. Don’t shortchange your results during this important anabolic window by using a post-workout product that only contains BCAAs.
Although BCAAs are important PRE and INTRA workout for muscle energy, POST workout is when you need a full spectrum Amino Acid profile for maximum growth. and recovery.
Each serving contains 28 g of Non-GMO Whey Protein Isolate, 7 g of Glutamine and Glutamic Acid (4 g naturally occurring from WPI + 3 g of Free Form L-Glutamine), patented BetaPower® – betaine, Patented Creatine HCl and the Super Enzyme ProHydrolase®, which breaks down (hydrolyzes) whey protein into smaller particle sizes for maximum absorption. The difference between Hydrolyzed Whey and RE-KAGED’s Whey Protein Isolate plus Prohydrolase® is that with RE-KAGED the protein is hydrolyzed at the point of consumption vs. being chemically treated during the manufacturing process into very small peptides and then dried.
As a matter of fact, if you don’t drink RE-KAGED within 15-20 minutes of mixing you will start to taste the flavor get bitter like hydrolyzed whey protein. This is due to the ability of ProHydrolase® to rapidly hydrolyze (break down) the whey protein isolate.
Updated on 04 April 2017
Updated on 24 March 2017